It hath been a wondrous year in the Realm. Many a jest was made at the expense of the peasantry, and many new lords and ladies joined us on our quest for merriment. His Majesty’s esteemed publickation now has over 1,000 subscribers and growing, thanks in no small part to the other Stacks-o’-Subs that recommend it.
Many thanks to all of thee for being here. With luck, and the Goode Graces of The King, we hope to bring thee mirth for many a year to come.
A look forward
Before we take a look back at the year past, let’s take a look at what the year ahead has in store.
1 - We’re launching a paid subscription option. The Royal Coffers are not as full as they once were. Help The King fill them back up. All posts will remain free for all free subscribers, but we might occasionally do a paid-only discussion thread, giveaway, or something of that nature.
But why wouldst I pay for something I already get for free, m’lord?
Goode question. Ye Olde Tyme News is a one scribe labour of love. I spend many hours writing, researching, drawing, Photoshopping, brainstorming, and generally running the site each week. Most of this is done during the wee hours of the morning and late at night, when my peasantlings are asleep and I’m not busy doing my day jobbe. I love that the internet gives open and free access to information, so Ye Olde Tyme News will remain free for all who enjoy a goode jest. But I would greatly appreciate it if you have the means to become a paid subscriber.
2 - A book! We’ll be publishing a choose-thine-own-adventure ebook in the near future. It shall be sent out as a free pdf to all subscribers. Depending how that goes, I might do more and different types of books as well.
A look back
Without further ado, herein be the most popular posts from the year of Our King 1222, in no particular order.
Monk Airs Beef with Other Monk in Latest Gregorian Diss Chant. “Thy verses are pathetic, Thy sinfulness disgusting. I’m out here getting canonized, Whilst thou art out here lusting.” An epic rap battle betwixt two monks. Also includes an addendum on historical diss tracks.
The Prophet. A short story about the trials and tribulations of an aspiring prophet in a competitive industry.
The Seeker. Another short story about a seeker’s quest to discover the meaning of life.
Why Don’t You Peasants Like Me? A letter from The Lord Honourable Cleon Rust to his vassals.
How to Exact Tribute from Thy Vassal States Without Being ‘That Guy’. Methinks the popularity of this one was due to the quite long addendum that accompanies it, “Men (and Women) Who Row”, on the early history and leaders of Kievan Rus’.
Do You Work More Than a Medieval Peasant? An historical investigation into this most pressing question. All of the “you work more than a medieval peasant” memes and articles seemed a bit off to me, so I decided to look into it.
Royal Economist Warns Workers May One Day Gain Rights, Pay, Human Dignity. Not on The King’s watch! Also includes an addendum on the Dancing Sickness.
And here are some of my personal favourites from the past year.
The Mouse Who Wanted to Be a Knight. A short story in verse about, you guessed it, a mouse who wants to become a knight. I really enjoyed writing this one.
Thy Mother Is So… A selection of medieval “thy mother” jokes.
Letter to Ye Editor: Schools Shan't Be Safe Until Teachers Are Armed with Spiked Iron Flails. A most timely letter on this pressing issue, submitted by Kyle Gerstel.
Study: Falling Into Bogs Number One Cause Of Death Amongst Funny Little Men In Hats. Read this one both for the thorough analysis on a topic of import, as well as the accompanying addendum on bog bodies.
Knight Should Have Ridden More Hay-Efficient Horse If He Didn’t Want To Pay So Much To Fill It Up. Hay pryces rose this year, and knights took a hit at the hay pump.
Dear Dark Lord: Henchmen These Days Aren’t As Blindly Obedient As They Used To Be. A letter from a Disconcerted Doomer to the Dark Lord about the entitlement of the next generation of henchmen. Dear Dark Lord letters are one of my favourite things to write, and I hope to do many more in the new year.
Thus concludes another prosperous annum in the Realm. If thou art a learnéd scribe, we accept submissions. And remember:
The best way
To spread The King’s Word
Is sharing far and wyde
With many a lord.
Prithee, consider supporting Ye Olde Tyme News by sharing it with thy fellow peasants, recommending it on thine own Substack, or becoming a paid subscriber.
His Majesty’s Blessings upon thee. We look forward to seeing thee in the new year!
P.S. Here is a list of publickations that have recommended Ye Olde Tyme News. Checkest them out!
Thank you so much for the work you put into YOTN! Really enjoyed following along this year. Cheers to more merry-making in 2023... er, 1223, I mean.
It is a pleasure to serve as Odo to your William.