So-called 'Holy War' Doesn't Even Have Any Knights Templar
This Crusade just doesn't have the same vibes
Noting that the onslaught lacked some of the pleasant trappings one would typically expect from such a conflict, many an onlooker expressed dismay with the Realm’s latest so-called “Holy War” after discovering it did not even involve a single Knight Templar.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for war,” spake Sir Hugues Thinscabbard. “But this Crusade just doth not have the same vibe without the Templars strutting around in their surcoats doing knight shyt.
“At this point, even a few Knights Hospitaller would be an improvement. And e’eryone knows how annoying those guys are.”
Whilst most subjects agree that war is a goode thing that always benefits noblemen and peasants alike, they have been hesitant to clamour in support of a Holy War that doth not even involve armoured paladins on horseback pillaging loot to send back to their homelands in the Name of God. The lack of white-mantled monk-knights performing secretive rites and scaling castle ramparts have also been a major turn-off for those whom are otherwise big fans of war.
“God, land, the self-serving politickal objectives of the nobility. These are all legit reasons to launch a little 200-year siege or two,” spake Thinscabbard. “I’m just worried none of the pilfered golden chalices or chests of amulets will ever make it into the Church’s coffers.”
Experts are especially concerned that the war may end before there is tyme for a new order of knights to form, train, and arm itself to charge forward into the fray. Or, e’en worse, that the quarreling parties may come to some sort of “diplomatick solution” or “peace” before word of it e’en reaches Templar HQ.
“You know how these Holy Wars go,” Thinsabbard didst add regretfully. “If history is any indicator, it shall fizzle out quickly and e’eryone will go back to being friends in a few months.
“Where’s the fun in that?”
How about Space Templars?
BTW the Templars were bankers, so if you can consider JP Morgan...
... it’s a reach... sure...