Aug 21, 2023Liked by Jan Lionsnest

Well, hell. You've disrobed the ancient skill of writing of its mystery. In one fell swoop, you've told us how easy it is to write. Either intentionally or not, you've removed the challenge. Now, any Tom, Dick, or Harry can get rich by simply following your 1-2-3 formula for penning brilliant tales of yore. Nuts! You've left me no choice but to return to my previous metier of arm wrestling for money in Las Vegas.

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Don’t giveth up yet on the arm wrestling thing. Thy chances of financial success are much greater there than in writing.

But if thine arms can manage the stress, do them both.

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I believe it was Wordsworth who said, "Refer thee often to a dragon dick."

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I pray I may one day live up to his high standards of dragondickery

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