For many a year, spice was all the rage amongst the Kingdom’s élite. Any self-respecting nobleman with a small army of vassals and a flotilla of longships would take to the high seas to seek riches in the spice trade.
But all that may be changing. The propensity of exotic spices being grown within the Kingdom’s own gardens hath caused the price of spice to plummet, and noblemen are seeking their wealth elsewhere.
Enter territory.
Whilst seizing vast swathes of land and crushing any resistance from the locals may seem like a passing fad, more and more warlords are actually finding it to be more profitable than spice if done right. But shouldst thou jump on the territory bandwagon and start taking new lands for thy house, or shouldst thou stick with the tried and true methods of exploiting other lands for their spice?
We’re here to help thee decide. Here’s some things to think about if thou art considering moving from the spice trade into the conquering territory game.
Dealing with the spice colonies is vexing
These days, people in the spice colonies are always complaining about merchants exploiting the fruits of their labour and taking advantage of them. Listening to them complain is such a bore.
Well, what if we didst tell thee thou haddest to listen to their complaining no longer?
Simply seize the fertile spicelands for thyself and slaughter those pesky complainers! How didst we not think of this sooner?
Better than the alternatives
With the spice market going downhill, thou mayest have considered other alternatives before looking landward. The silk trade, looting monasteries, and science are all budding industries that may one day prove valuable. But wethinks none of these have the raw investment potential of annexing a fertile grain region with a deepwater port. And personally, we don’t see “science” ever becoming that big of a thing.
A chance to settle down
Nobody wants to be sailing back-and-forth from the spicelands on merchant ships for the rest of their lyfe. But the spice trade doth not offer any chance at a quiet retirement. With territory, on the other hand, thou cannest build a fortress in thy new lands and live out a quiet retirement surrounded by thy conquered vassals.
Listen not to the haters
All the spice lords will try to put thee down with jeering remarks such as “Good luck quashing rebellions every sixmonth in thy new territories” or “Hopefully the locals won’t reject thine attempts at forced conversion to Christianity, ho-ha!” But listen not to them. Acquiring new lands truly is a lucrative venture, and ‘tis one that is here to stay.
Is territory really the new spice?
Whilst the spice trade is certainly not going anywhere any tyme soon, we hope we have convinced thee that territory is no mere fad, but an opportunity with great investment potential. So let the spice lords keep living in the past, and get out there and start taking some territory!