It can be harrowing to navigate the dating game in these modern tymes.
Gone are the days when one couldst tell which category of ancient runic symbol a lord fell into simply by knowing his noble bloodline. Now, one must take into account his mettle on the field of battle, the robustness of his vestments, his courtly etiquette, and whether he is apt to take to the high seas with a war party in the middle of dinner because the storm hath abated.
Takest this quizze to tell if thy belovéd is an Alpha, a Beta, or an Elder Futhark rune Fehu.
What be his personality like?
A. Assertive; chivalrous; clearly knows he falls atop the social hierarchy.
B. Passive; occasionally kind to peasants.
C. Berserking; thrashing; intent on raiding as soon as the sea ice thaws and the ships are tarred and tallowed.
Where doth he take thee on a date?
A. To the Great Hall in a castle of one of the many lands he hath subjugated, where his staff of manservants will prepare a feast of wild game, exotic spices, and foreign wines.
B. He is attuned to thy preferences. He shall take thee wherever thou wants within a day’s journey. By foot, since he is scared of horses.
C. To plunder any coastal monastery within striking distance of the frigid North Sea and consume everything unfortunate enough to cross into thy warpath.
What is his most romantic quality?
A. Lording over things and/or money.
B. Listening.
C. Amphibious hit-and-run tactics.
Is he faithful to thee in the bedchamber?
A. Nay, but at least his concubines know their place.
B. Yea.
C. Yea, not counting slaves.
Ye Results
Mostly As. Thy man is an Alpha lord, through-and-through. E’ery lady’s dream!
Mostly Bs. Thy lord is a Beta. Whilst his bloodline may be noble, his personality is far from the domineering and chivalrous type that will guarantee an ever-expanding demesne for thee and thy heirs.
Mostly Cs. Thy lover is clearly an Elder Futhark rune Fehu. His raiding and pillaging tendencies are likely a source of much instability and frustration in thy relationship, but he makes up for it with all the plundered treasure he gifts thee.